Bugs Fixes: logo in about window not present (ImageIcon exception); proper initialization of AMPA5 receptors. Models modifications: NT release uses model from Yamada and Zucker 1992; new synapse layout to reproduce the Yamada and Zucker 1992 [Ca]pre profile (No vdcc T type, more L type); presynaptic ca buffer modified to fit Yamada and Zucker 1992…Continue Reading EONS V1.0 Release 40
Year: 2007
Note: Improved user interface. Ability to close results panel to free memory space. Feedback when the system is running low in memory space….Continue Reading EONS V1.0
Note: Improved user interface: addition of zoom-in/out and pause options during simulation. Added mechanism: nicotinic acetylcholine receptor…Continue Reading EONS V1.0
Note: With long simulations, the simulations recorded too many points which resulted in very important memory usage. The user can now select how many points will be stored at the end of the simulation, resulting in a significantly lower amount of memory used….Continue Reading EONS V1.0
Note: With long simulations, the graphs contained too many points which induced very slow update of the display when the user was switching graphs or scrolling up and down. A new class checks for the significance of the points to be displayed and hence only displays the significant ones, resulting in much faster drawing. Updated…Continue Reading EONS V1.0
Note: The animation flickering problem encountered on some machines is fixed; Increase in simulation speed….Continue Reading EONS V1.0