Bugs Fixes: logo in about window not present (ImageIcon exception); proper initialization of AMPA5 receptors.
Models modifications: NT release uses model from Yamada and Zucker 1992; new synapse layout to reproduce the Yamada and Zucker 1992 [Ca]pre profile (No vdcc T type, more L type); presynaptic ca buffer modified to fit Yamada and Zucker 1992 [Ca]pre profile; NMDA has 3 conductances (Ca, Na and K).
Code cleanup: Load defaults from each model panel rather than main frame.
Enhancements: Output graphs are generated in a smart way (points with no information are removed (precision = range/400)); Graph-> View dataset generates only an output for the selected graph; Graph-> View dataset. The X axis in the table is now in ms (and formatted); calcium buffer has now a clearing rate accessible from the user interface.