1. Arundel, P.A. Interactive simulation of nonuniform bolus and infusion dosing in linear compartmental models. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 78:688-690, 1989.
  2. Bottorff, M.B., T.J. Hoon, J. H. Rodman, K.B. Ramanathan and P.A. Gerlach. Pharmacokinetics of urapidil in severe hypertension. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 28:420-426, 1989.
  3. Boucher, B.A., J.H. Rodman, S.N. Rasmussen, T.C. Fabician, C.B. Watridge and G.S. Jaresko. Phenytoin pharmacokinetics in critically ill trauma patients. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 44:675-683, 1989.
  4. Boucher, B.A., C.B. Watridge, P. Turlapaty, S.N. Rasmussen, R. Achari and A.M. Bombassaro. Phenytoin prodrug 3-phosphoryloxymethyl phenytoin (ACC-9653) – pharmacokinetics in patients following intravenous and intramuscular administration.Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 78:929-932, 1989.
  5. Cobelli, C. and A. Ruggeri. Optimal-design of sampling schedules for studying glucose kinetics with tracers. American Journal of Physiology 257:E444-E450, 1989.
  6. Drusano, G.L., A. Forrest, K.I. Plaisance and J.C. Wade. A prospective evaluation of optimal sampling theory in the determination of the steady-state pharmacokinetics of Piperacillin in febrile neutropenic cancer-patients. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 45:635-641, 1989.
  7. Evans, W.E., W.R. Crom, S. Degraaf, M.V. Relling, J.H. Rodman, J.A. Pieper and M.L. Christensen. Hepatic Drug clearance in children studies with indocyannine green as a model substrate. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 78:452-456, 1989.
  8. Fletcher, C.V., J.A. Englund, B. Chinnock, B. Bean, D.M. Brundage and H.H. Balfour. Continuous infusion of high dose Acyclovir for serious herpes virus infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 33:1375-1378, 1989.
  9. Grange, J.D., A. Gouyette, X. Amiot, J.F. Acar, L. Gutmann, P. Jallion, S. Islam and M.D. Kitzis. Pharmacokinetics of amoxycillin clavulanic acid in serum and ascitic fluid in cirrhotic patients. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 23:605-611, 1989.
  10. Khan, A.Z. and L. Aarons. Design and analysis of protein-binding experiments. Journal of Theoretical Biology 140:145-166, 1989.
  11. Kinabo, L.D.B. and Q.A. McKellar. Current models in pharmacokinetics applications in veterinary pharmacology. Veterinary Research Communications 13:141-157, 1989.
  12. Koren, G., J. Klien, M. Greenberg, S.J. Soldin and H. Solh. Disposition of oral methotrexate in children with acute lymphoblastic-leukemia and its relation to 6- Mercaptopurine pharmacokinetics. Medical and Pediatric Oncology 17:450-454, 1989.
  13. Koren, G., A.N. Sandler, D. Daley, W.C.Whiting, L.C. Lau, J. Klien and P. Slavchenko. Relationship between the pharmacokinetics and the analgesic and respiratory pharmacodynamics of epidural sufentanil. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46:458- 462, 1989.
  14. Launay, M.C., G. Milano, N. Namer, M. Frenay and A. Iliadis. A limited sampling procedure for estimating Adriamycin pharmacokinetics in cancer patients. British Journal of Cancer 60:89-92, 1989.
  15. Leonard, M.B., D.K. Stevenson, G. Koren and C.G. Prober. Vancomycin pharmacokinetics in very low birth weight neonates. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 8:282-286, 1989.
  16. Ludden, T.M. Population pharmacokinetics. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 28:1059- 1063, 1989.
  17. Moore, M.J., J.J. Thiessen, S.J. Soldin, C. Erlichman and R.W. Hardy. Rapid development of enhanced clearance after high dose cyclophosphamide. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 44:622-628, 1989.
  18. Plaisance, K.I., R.J. Townsend, H.C. Standiford, A. Forrest and G.L. Drusano. Pharmacokinetic evaluation of 2 dosage regimens of Clindamycin phosphate. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 33:618-620, 1989.
  19. Pronzato, L. and E. Walter. Experiment design in a bounded error context comparison with D optimality. Automatica 25:383-391, 1989.
  20. Rodvold, K.A., R.D. Pryka, J.C. Rotschafer and M. Garrison. Evaluation of a 2- compartment Bayesian forecasting program for predicting Vancomycin concentrations. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 11:269-275, 1989.
  21. Santos, D., E.L. Marino and A. Dominguez-Gil. Study of disposition kinetics of the N-oxide derivative: a metabolite of picobenzide. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 14:19-22, 1989.
  22. Tsang, Y.C. and J.J. Thiessen. Competitive-binding of sulfamethazine and its nacetylated metabolite. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 10:465-479, 1989.
  23. Vengpedersen, P. Mean time parameters in pharmacokinetics. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 17:424-440, 1989.
  24. Wiest, D.B., R.L. Yost, W. Oneal, J.R. Reigart, P.C. Gillette and R.C. Brundage. Pharmacokinetics of Ranitidine in critically ill infants. Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics 12:7-12, 1989.
  25. Yeun, G.J., E.S. Caplan, A. Forrest, G.L. Drusano and K. Plaisance. Prospective use of optimal sampling theory-steady state Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics in critically ill trauma patients. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46:451-457, 1989.

Citations Appearing in 1988

  1. Atkinson, A.C., 1988. Recent developments in the methods of optimum and related experimental designs. International Statistical Review/Revue Internationale de Statistique, pp.99-115.
  2. Barcia, E.M., Newburger, J. and Young, D., 1988. Estimation of the rate constants in a data-sparse environment: comparison of a mathematical method and least squares analysis. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences77(2), pp.175-177.
  3. Bayer, A.S., Crowell, D.J., Yih, J., Bradley, D.W. and Norman, D.C., 1988. Comparative pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of amikacin and ceftazidime in tricuspid and aortic vegetations in experimental Pseudomonas endocarditis. Journal of Infectious Diseases158(2), pp.355-359.
  4. Bottorff, M.B., Evans, W.E., Hillebrand, I., Junge, B., Müller, L., Puls, W., Schmidt, D.D., Truscheit, E., Will, H., Bottorff, M.B. and Evans, W.E., 1988. Drug concentration monitoring. In Drug Concentration Monitoring Microbial Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors Plasminogen Activators (pp. 1-16). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  5. Bottorff, M.B., Hoon, T.J., Rodman, J.H., Gerlach, P.A. and Ramanathan, K.B., 1988. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of urapidil in severe hypertension. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology28(5), pp.420-426.
  6. Boucher, B.A., Rodman, J.H., Jaresko, G.S., Rasmussen, S.N., Watridge, C.B. and Fabian, T.C., 1988. Phenytoin pharmacokinetics in critically ill trauma patients. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics44(6), pp.675-683.
  7. Chrystyn, H., 1988. Validation of the use of Bayesian analysis in the optimization of gentamicin therapy from the commencement of dosing. Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy22(1), pp.49-53.
  8. D’Argenio, D.Z. and Maneval, D.C., 1988. Estimation approaches for modeling sparse data systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes21(1), pp.61-67.
  9. D’Argenio, D.Z. and Van Guilder, M., 1988. Design of experiments for parameter estimation involving uncertain systems, with application to pharmacokinetics. In Proc. 12th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation (pp. 511-513).
  10. D’Argenio, D.Z., Schumitzky, A. and Wolf, W., 1988. Simulation of linear compartment models with application to nuclear medicine kinetic modeling. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine27(1), pp.47-54.
  11. DiStefano III, J.J., 1988. Biomodel formulation and identification using optimal and other effective experiment designs. IFAC Proceedings Volumes21(1), pp.1-12.
  12. Drusano, G.L., Forrest, A., Snyder, M.J., Reed, M.D. and Blumer, J.L., 1988. An evaluation of optimal sampling strategy and adaptive study design. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics44(2), pp.232-238.
  13. Feldman, S., Rodman, J. and Gregory, B., 1988. Excessive serum concentrations of acyclovir and neurotoxicity. The Journal of infectious diseases157(2), pp.385-388.
  14. Fletcher, C.V., Chinnock, B.J., Chace, B. and Balfour Jr, H.H., 1988. Pharmacokinetics and safety of high‐dose oral acyclovir for suppression of cytomegalovirus disease after renal transplantation. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics44(2), pp.158-163.
  15. Forrest, A., Weir, M., Plaisance, K.I., Drusano, G.L., Leslie, J. and Standiford, H.C., 1988. Relationships between renal function and disposition of oral ciprofloxacin. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy32(10), pp.1537-1540.
  16. Gouyette, A., Kerr, D.J., Kaye, S.B., Setanoians, A., Cassidy, J., Bradley, C., Forrest, G. and Soukop, M., 1988. Flavone acetic acid: a nonlinear pharmacokinetic model. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology22, pp.114-119.
  17. Guardabasso, V., Munson, P.J. and Rodbard, D., 1988. EXPFIT: a program for simultaneous analysis of families of exponential decay curves. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine27(1), pp.55-63.
  18. HIGUCHI, S., FUKUOKA, R., AOYAMA, T. and HORIOKA, M., 1988. Predicting serum lithium concentration using Bayesian method: A comparison with other methods. Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics11(3), pp.158-174.
  19. Higuchi, S., Ieiri, I. and Aoyama, T., 1988. Predictive Performance of Bayesian Method in a Simulation Work: One-Compartment Open Linear Model Containing an Oral Route. Rinsho yakuri/Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics19(3), pp.597-606.
  20. HIGUCHI, S., YUKAWA, E. and AOYAMA, T., 1988. Bayesian prediction of serum phenytoin concentration in a simulation study. Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin36(5), pp.1914-1918.
  21. Houghton, J.A., Williams, L.G., deGraaf, S.S., Radparvar, S., Wainer, I.W., Rodman, J.R. and Houghton, P.J., 1988. Selectivity of CF and 5-fluorouracil: Critical role of polyglutamylation. The Expanding Role of Folates and Fluoropyrimidines in Cancer Chemotherapy, pp.85-95.
  22. Hurley, S.F. and McNeil, J.J., 1988. A comparison of the accuracy of a least squares regression, a Bayesian, Chiou’s and the steady-state clearance method of individualising theophylline dosage. Clinical pharmacokinetics14(5), pp.311-320.
  23. Iliadis, A., Bruno, R. and Cano, J.P., 1988. Dynamical dosage regimen calculations in linear pharmacokinetics. Computers and biomedical research21(3), pp.203-220.
  24. Katz, D. and D’Argenio, D.Z., 1988. Stochastic Control of Pharmaco-Kinetic Systems: Open-Loop Feedback Strategies. IFAC Proceedings Volumes21(1), pp.391-396.
  25. Kurland, I.J. and D’Argenio, D.Z., 1988. A minimal model of liver glycogen metabolism; feasibility for predicting flux rates. Journal of theoretical biology135(3), pp.343-358.
  26. Knoppert, D.C., Spino, M., Beck, R., Thiessen, J.J. and MacLeod, S.M., 1988. Cystic fibrosis: enhanced theophylline metabolism may be linked to the disease. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics44(3), pp.254-264.
  27. Koren, G., Lau, A., Klein, J., Golas, C., Bologa-Campeanu, M., Soldin, S., MacLeod, S.M. and Prober, C., 1988. Pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of amphotericin B in infants and children. The Journal of pediatrics113(3), pp.559-563.
  28. Lake, K.D., Fletcher, C.V., Love, K.R., Brown, D.C., Joyce, L.D. and Pritzker, M.R., 1988. Ganciclovir pharmacokinetics during renal impairment. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy32(12), pp.1899-1900.
  29. Lutchen, K.R., 1988. Optimal selection of frequencies for estimating parameters from respiratory impedance data. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering35(8), pp.607-617.
  30. Mallet, A., Mentré, F., Steimer, J.L. and Lokiec, F., 1988. Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for population pharmacokinetics, with application to cyclosporine. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics16, pp.311-327.
  31. Mariscal, M.A., Munoz, M.E., Collado, P.S., Esteller, A. and Gonzalez, J.V., 1988. Impairment of sulfobromophthalein biliary excretion and inhibition of glutathione S-transferase activity induced by perhexiline maleate in rats. Biochemical pharmacology37(18), pp.3461-3465.
  32. Moore, M.J., Hardy, R.W., Thiessen, J.J., Soldin, S.J. and Erlichman, C., 1988. Rapid development of enhanced clearance after high‐dose cyclophosphamide. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics44(6), pp.622-628.
  33. Muraca, M., Fevery, J. and Blanckaert, N., 1988, May. Analytic aspects and clinical interpretation of serum bilirubins. In Seminars in liver disease (Vol. 8, No. 02, pp. 137-147). © 1988 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc..
  34. Onate, J.M.U., 1988. Distribution of residence times of some stochastic compartmental models. Texas A&M University.
  35. Plaisance, K.I., Quintiliani, R. and Nightingale, C.H., 1988. The pharmacokinetics of metronidazole and its metabolites in critically ill patients. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy21(2), pp.195-200.
  36. Pronzato, L. and Walter, É., 1988. Robust experiment design via maximin optimization. Mathematical Biosciences89(2), pp.161-176.
  37. Ruggeri, A. and Cobelli, C., 1988. Optimal sampling schedule design may reveal inadequacy of model structure: A case study on the minimal model of glucose disappearance. IFAC Proceedings Volumes21(1), pp.121-125.
  38. Segal, J.L., Brunnemann, S.R. and Gray, D.R., 1988. Gentamicin bioavailability and single-dose pharmacokinetics in spinal cord injury. Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy22(6), pp.461-465.
  39. van Hoff, J. and Ritchey, A.K., 1988. Pulse methylprednisolone therapy for acute childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The Journal of pediatrics113(3), pp.563-566.
  40. Verotta, D., 1988. Software for experimental design: the computer program EXCAD. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine26(2), pp.159-166.
  41. Verotta, D., Petrillo, P., La Regina, A., Rocchetti, M. and Tavani, A., 1988. D-optimal design applied to binding saturation curves of an enkephalin analog in rat brain. Life sciences42(6), pp.735-743.
  42. Wallace, J.S., 1988. Space medicine research publications: 1984-1986 (No. NASA-CR-4184).

Citations Appearing in 1987

  1. Aronson, J., Atkins, G., Barnett, G., Bonati, M., Chasseaud, L.F. and Chen, G., Reviewers for the Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics: 1983-1986.
  2. Benz, J., Polster, J., Bär, R. and Gauglitz, G., 1987. Program system sidys: Simulation and parameter identification of dynamic systems. Computers & chemistry11(1), pp.41-48.
  3. Blanckaert, N., 1987. Biochemical liver tests: recent developments and challenges. Assessment and Management of Hepatobiliary Disease, pp.145-155.
  4. Drusano, G.L., Plaisance, K.I., Forrest, A., Bustamante, C., Devlin, A., Standiford, H.C. and Wade, J.C., 1987. Steady-state pharmacokinetics of imipenem in febrile neutropenic cancer patients. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy31(9), pp.1420-1422.
  5. Drusano, G.L., Weir, M., Forrest, A., Plaisance, K., Emm, T. and Standiford, H.C., 1987. Pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered ciprofloxacin in patients with various degrees of renal function. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy31(6), pp.860-864.
  6. Egorin, M.J., Conley, B.A., Forrest, A., Zuhowski, E.G., Sinibaldi, V. and Van Echo, D.A., 1987. Phase I study and pharmacokinetics of menogaril (NSC 269148) in patients with hepatic dysfunction. Cancer research47(22), pp.6104-6110.
  7. Egorin, M.J., Sigman, L.M., Van Echo, D.A., Forrest, A., Whitacre, M.Y. and Aisner, J., 1987. Phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of hexamethylene bisacetamide (NSC 95580) administered as a five-day continuous infusion. Cancer research47(2), pp.617-623.
  8. Erlichman, C., Soldin, S.J., Thiessen, J.J., Sturgeon, F.G. and Fine, S., 1987. Disposition of total and free cisplatin on two consecutive treatment cycles in patients with ovarian cancer. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology19, pp.75-79.
  9. Falcoz, C., Ferry, N.I.C.O.L.E., Pozet, N.I.C.O.L.E., Cuisinaud, G., Zech, P.Y. and Sassard, J., 1987. Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in renal failure. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy31(8), pp.1255-1262.
  10. Goldstein, D.A., Clarke, J.T. and Soldin, S.J., 1987. Volume of Distribution of Phenytoin Not Altered in Storage Disease. Archives of Neurology44(6), pp.577-578.
  11. Gouyette, A., Deniel, A., Pico, J.L., Droz, J.P., Baume, D., Ostronoff, M., Le Bail, N. and Hayat, M., 1987. Clinical pharmacology of high-dose etoposide associated with cisplatin. Pharmacokinetic and metabolic studies. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology23(11), pp.1627-1632.
  12. Hampton, E.M., Anastasiou‐Nana, M.I., Nanas, J.N., Nappi, J.M., Capuzzi, D.M. and Anderson, J.L., 1987. The disposition of recainam hydrochloride during and after intravenous loading and maintenance infusion in cardiac patients. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology27(12), pp.951-956.
  13. Heller, A.J., Ring, H.A. and Reynolds, E.H., 1987. Clobazam for refractory epilepsy. Archives of Neurology44(6), pp.578-578.
  14. Henry, K., Cantrill, H., Fletcher, C., Chinnock, B.J. and Balfour, H.H., 1987. Use of intravitreal ganciclovir (dihydroxy propoxymethyl guanine) for cytomegalovirus retinitis in a patient with AIDS. American journal of ophthalmology103(1), pp.17-23.
  15. Jackson, A.J., 1987. Prediction of steady‐state bioequivalence relationships using single dose data I‐linear kinetics. Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition8(5), pp.483-496.
  16. Jelliffe, R.W., 1987. Clinical applications of pharmacokinetics and adaptive control. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, (8), pp.624-632.
  17. Koch, G., Allen, J.P. and Joynt, R.J., 1987. Untoward effects of generic carbamazepine therapy. Archives of neurology44(6), pp.578-579.
  18. Plaisance, K.I., Drusano, G.L., Forrest, A., Bustamante, C.I. and Standiford, H.C., 1987. Effect of dose size on bioavailability of ciprofloxacin. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy31(6), pp.956-958.
  19. Rodman, J.H., Abromowitch, M., Sinkule, J.A., Hayes, F.A., Rivera, G.K. and Evans, W.E., 1987. Clinical pharmacodynamics of continuous infusion teniposide: systemic exposure as a determinant of response in a phase I trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology5(7), pp.1007-1014.
  20. Spahn, H., Langguth, P., Krauss, D., Kirch, W. and Mutschler, E., 1987. Pharmacokinetics of atenolol and metoprolol administered together with piroxicam. Archiv der Pharmazie320(2), pp.103-107.
  21. Vozeh, S. and Steiner, C., 1987. Estimates of the population pharmacokinetic parameters and performance of Bayesian feedback: a sensitivity analysis. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics15, pp.511-528.
  22. Walter, É. and Pronzato, L., 1987. Optimal experiment design for nonlinear models subject to large prior uncertainties. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology253(3), pp.R530-R534.

Citations Appearing in 1986

  1. Bezeau, M. and Endrenyi, L., 1986. Design of experiments for the precise estimation of dose-response parameters: the Hill equation. Journal of theoretical biology123(4), pp.415-430.
  2. Boston, R.C., Granek, H., Sutton, N., Weber, K., Greif, P. and Zech, L., 1986. The maintenance, distribution and development of biomedical computer software: an exercise in software engineering. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine22(3), pp.305-321.
  3. Brechner, R.R., D’Argenio, D.Z., Dahalan, R. and Wolf, W., 1986. Noninvasive estimation of bound and mobile platinum compounds in the kidney using a radiopharmacokinetic model. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences75(9), pp.873-877.
  4. Burton, M.E., 1986. Introduction to Pharmacokinetics: Part 2: Clinical Application. Journal of Pharmacy Technology2(5), pp.204-212.
  5. Cloyd, J.C., Snyder, B.D., Cleeremans, B.R.U.C.E., Bundlie, S.R., Blomquist, C.H. and Lakatua, D.J., 1986. Mannitol pharmacokinetics and serum osmolality in dogs and humans. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics236(2), pp.301-306.
  6. Cobelli, C. and Thomaseth, K., 1986, December. Assessing output measurement optimally in physiological system identification by a design measure approach. In 1986 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 282-285). IEEE.
  7. Drusano, G.L., Plaisance, K.I., Forrest, A. and Standiford, H.C., 1986. Dose ranging study and constant infusion evaluation of ciprofloxacin. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy30(3), pp.440-443.
  8. Drusano, G.L., Standiford, H.C., Plaisance, K., Forrest, A., Leslie, J. and Caldwell, J., 1986. Absolute oral bioavailability of ciprofloxacin. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy30(3), pp.444-446.
  9. Drusano, G.L., Townsend, R.J., Walsh, T.J., Forrest, A., Antal, E.J. and Standiford, H.C., 1986. Steady-state serum pharmacokinetics of novobiocin and rifampin alone and in combination. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy30(1), pp.42-45.
  10. Egorin, M.J., Van Echo, D.A., Whitacre, M.Y., Forrest, A., Sigman, L.M., Engisch, K.L. and Aisner, J., 1986. Human pharmacokinetics, excretion, and metabolism of the anthracycline antibiotic menogaril (7-OMEN, NSC 269148) and their correlation with clinical toxicities. Cancer research46(3), pp.1513-1520.
  11. Fletcher, C., Sawchuk, R., Chinnock, B., de Miranda, P. and Balfour Jr, H.H., 1986. Human pharmacokinetics of the antiviral drug DHPG. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics40(3), pp.281-286.
  12. Goldstein, R.S., Allen, L.C., Thiessen, J.J., Michalko, K., Dayneka, N. and Woolf, C.R., 1986. Daily maintenance dose of a long-acting theophylline from a single theophylline serum level. Chest89(1), pp.103-108.
  13. Gouyette, A., Apchin, A., Foka, M. and Richard, J.M., 1986. Pharmacokinetics of intra-arterial and intravenous cisplatin in head and neck cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology22(3), pp.257-263.
  14. Gouyette, A., Hartmann, O. and Pico, J.L., 1986. Pharmacokinetics of high-dose melphalan in children and adults. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology16, pp.184-189.
  15. Ismail, M.A., Ahmed, M.S. and Prasad, T., 1986. Identification of stochastic multicompartmental models in tracer kinetics experiments. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, (5), pp.531-536.
  16. Hallstadius, L., 1986. Compartment modelling in nuclear medicine: a new program for the determination of transfer coefficients. Nuclear Medicine Communications7(6), pp.405-414.
  17. Holland, F.J., Fishman, L., Costigan, D.C., Luna, L. and Leeder, S., 1986. Pharmacokinetic characteristics of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog D-Ser (TBU)-6EA-10luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (buserelin) after subcutaneous and intranasal administration in children with central precocious puberty. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism63(5), pp.1065-1070.
  18. Iliadis, A., Bruno, R. and Cano, J.P., 1986. Steady-state dosage regimen calculations in linear pharmacokinetics. International journal of bio-medical computing18(3-4), pp.167-182.
  19. Ismail, M.A., Ahmed, M.S. and Prasad, T., 1986. Identification of stochastic multicompartmental models in tracer kinetics experiments. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, (5), pp.531-536.
  20. Jaschonek, K., Weisenberger, H., Tidow, S., Daiss, W., Renn, W. and Ostendorf, P., 1986. Platelet prostacyclin binding in smokers. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine108(2), pp.77-87.
  21. Jelliffe, R.W., 1986, October. Applications of adaptive control in clinical settings. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 61). American Medical Informatics Association.
  22. Jelliffe, R.W., 1986, October. Applications of adaptive control in clinical settings. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 61). American Medical Informatics Association.
  23. Jelliffe, R.W., 1986. Clinical applications of pharmacokinetics and control theory: planning, monitoring, and adjusting dosage regimens of aminoglycosides, lidocaine, digitoxin, and digoxin. In Topics in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (pp. 26-82). New York, NY: Springer New York.
  24. Katz, D. and D’Argenio, D.Z., 1986. Implementation and evaluation of control strategies for individualizing dosage regimens, with application to the aminoglycoside antibiotics. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics14(5), pp.523-537.
  25. Khan, A.Z., 1986. Optimal Design of Pharmacokinetic Experiments. The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).
  26. Kuhn, P.K. and Christensen, D.A., 1986. Influence of temperature probe sheathing materials during ultrasonic heating. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, (5), pp.536-538.
  27. Lesko, L.J., Benotti, J.R., Alpert, J.S., Brady, P.M., McCue, J.E., Weiner, B.H. and Ockene, I.S., 1986. Pharmacokinetics of intravenous bepridil in patients with coronary disease. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences75(10), pp.952-954.
  28. Mann, H.J. and Buchwald, H., 1986. Cefamandole distribution in serum, adipose tissue, and wound drainage in morbidly obese patients. Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy20(11), pp.869-873.
  29. Poon, C.S., 1986. Design of optimal multioutput sampling schedules: Computation of gradients and Hessians. IEEE transactions on automatic control31(7), pp.664-666.
  30. Schumitzky, A., 1986, October. Estimation and Control in Data Poor Environments: Optimizing Drug Therapy. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 63). American Medical Informatics Association.
  31. Schumitzky, A., 1986, October. Estimation and Control in Data Poor Environments: Optimizing Drug Therapy. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 63). American Medical Informatics Association.
  32. Standiford, H.C., Drusano, G.L., Bustamante, C.I., Rivera, G., Forrest, A., Tatem, B., Leslie, J. and Moody, M., 1986. Imipenem coadministered with cilastatin compared with moxalactam: integration of serum pharmacokinetics and microbiologic activity following single-dose administration to normal volunteers. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy29(3), pp.412-417.
  33. Toutain, P.L., Alvinerie, M.I.C.H.E.L., Fayolle, P.A.S.C.A.L. and Ruckebusch, Y.V.E.S., 1986. Bovine plasma and synovial fluid kinetics of methylprednisolone and methylprednisolone acetate after intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics236(3), pp.794-802.
  34. Wolf, W. and Shani, J., 1986. Criteria for the selection of the most desirable radionuclide for radiolabeling monoclonal antibodies. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology13(4), pp.319-324.

Citations Appearing in 1985

  1. Anfreville, R., Champarnaud, G. and Magot, T., 1985. Development of a program package for modelling biochemical systems. International journal of bio-medical computing16(3-4), pp.245-256.
  2. Benotti, J.R., Lesko, L.J., McCue, J.E. and Alpert, J.S., 1985. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of milrinone in chronic congestive heart failure. The American journal of cardiology56(10), pp.685-689.
  3. BRECHNER, R., WOLF, W. and DAHALAN, R., 1985. DZ D’ARGENIO. In Radiopharmaceuticals and Labelled Compounds 1984: Proceedings of an International Conference… Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and Held in Tokyo, 22-26 October 1984 (p. 451). International Atomic Energy Agency.
  4. Brechner, R., Wolf, W., Dahalan, R., D’Argenio, D.Z., Butler, T.A. and Knapp, F.F., 1985. Non-invasive estimation of bound and mobile platinum compounds in the kidneys. In Radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds 1984.
  5. Brown, R.F., 1985. Biomedical systems analysis via compartmental concept (Vol. 9). CRC Press.
  6. Burgers, J.P.T., 1985. Pharmacokinetic systems dynamics: analysis of input and body transport functions by numerical deconvolution. [Sl: sn].
  7. Burton, M.E., Brater, D.C., Chen, P.S., Day, R.B., Huber, P.J. and Vasko, M.R., 1985. A Bayesian feedback method of aminoglycoside dosing. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics37(3), pp.349-357.
  8. Burton, M.E., Vasko, M.R., Craig Brater, D. and Craig Brater, C., 1985. Comparison of drug dosing methods. Clinical pharmacokinetics10, pp.1-37.
  9. Chizeck, H.J. and Katona, P.G., 1985. Closed loop control. In Computers and control in clinical medicine (pp. 95-151). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  10. Cobelli, C. and Thomaseth, K., 1985. Optimal input design for identification of compartmental models. Theory and application to a model of glucose kinetics. Mathematical biosciences77(1-2), pp.267-286.
  11. Cobelli, C., 1985. Identification of endocrine-metabolic and pharmacokinetic systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes18(5), pp.45-54.
  12. Danan, G., Montay, G., Cunci, R. and Erlinger, S., 1985. Pefloxacin kinetics in cirrhosis. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics38(4), pp.439-442.
  13. D’ARGENIO, D.Z., BUTLER, T. and KNAPP, F., 1985. R. BRECHNER, W. WOLF, R. DAHALAN. In Radiopharmaceuticals and Labelled Compounds, 1984: Proceedings of an International Conference on Radiopharmaceuticals and Labelled Compounds (Vol. 85, No. 10-22, p. 451). International Atomic Energy Agency.
  14. Drusano, G.L., Joshi, J., Forrest, A., Ruxer, R., Standiford, H., Leslie, J., Wade, J. and Schimpff, S., 1985. Pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime, alone or in combination with piperacillin or tobramycin, in the sera of cancer patients. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy27(4), pp.605-607.
  15. Gilman, T.M., Muir, K.T., Jung, R.C. and Walberg, C.B., 1985. Estimation of theophylline clearance during intravenous aminophylline infusions. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences74(5), pp.508-514.
  16. Gonzalez, M.A., Moranchel, A.H., Duran, S., Pichardo, A., Magana, J.L., Painter, B., Forrest, A. and Drusano, G.L., 1985. Multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin administered intravenously to normal volunteers. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy28(2), pp.235-239.
  17. Gonzalez, M.A., Moranchel, A.H., Duran, S., Pichardo, A., Magana, J.L., Painter, B. and Drusano, G.L., 1985. Multiple‐dose ciprofloxacin dose ranging and kinetics. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics37(6), pp.633-637.
  18. Graves, N.M., Kriel, R.L., Jones‐Saete, C. and Cloyd, J.C., 1985. Relative bioavailability of rectally administered carbamazepine suspension in humans. Epilepsia26(5), pp.429-433.
  19. James, M. and Crabbe, C., 1985. Computers in biochemical analysis. Methods of biochemical analysis, pp.417-474.
  20. Kholodov, L.E. and Dorokhov, V.V., 1985. Automated system of individual dosage programs (ASIDP) for calculating pharmacokinetic parameters and analyzing the relation between concentration and pharmacological effect. Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia48(4), pp.65-69.
  21. Montay, G., Jacquot, C., Bariety, J. and Cunci, R., 1985. Pharmacokinetics of pefloxacin in renal insufficiency. European journal of clinical pharmacology29, pp.345-349.
  22. Pronzato, L. and Walter, E., 1985. Robust experiment design via stochastic approximation. Mathematical Biosciences75(1), pp.103-120.
  23. Spino, M., Chai, R.P., Isles, A.F., Balfe, J.W., Brown, R.G., Thiessen, J.J. and MacLeod, S.M., 1985. Assessment of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow in cystic fibrosis. The Journal of pediatrics107(1), pp.64-70.
  24. St‐Pierre, M.V., Spino, M., Isles, A.F., Tesoro, A. and MacLeod, S.M., 1985. Temporal variation in the disposition of theophylline and its metabolites. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics38(1), pp.89-95.
  25. Thiessen, J.J., Albright, P.S., Bruni, J. and Suria, D., 1985. Valproic acid disposition in rabbits during chronic treatment with Escherichia coli endotoxin. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology63(4), pp.315-319.
  26. Viollier, A.F., Standiford, H.C., Drusano, G.L., Tatem, B.A., Moody, M.R. and Schimpff, S.C., 1985. Comparative pharmacokinetics and serum bactericidal activity of mezlocillin, ticarcillin and piperacillin, with and without gentamicin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy15(5), pp.597-606.
  27. Vožch, S. and Steimer, J.L., 1985. Feedback control methods for drug dosage optimisation: concepts, classification and clinical application. Clinical Pharmacokinetics10(6), pp.457-476.
  28. Whiting, B. and Kelman, A.W., 1985. Clinical decision making using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. In Computers and Control in Clinical Medicine (pp. 59-93). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  29. Wolf, W., Brechner, R., Young, D., Dahalan, R., Singh, M., D’Argenio, D.Z. and Schumitzky, A., 1985. Kinetic studies with radiopharmaceuticals. In Radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds 1984.

Citations Appearing in 1984

  1. Leeder, J.S., Spino, M., Isles, A.F., Tesoro, A.M., Gold, R. and MacLeod, S.M., 1984. Ceftazidime disposition in acute and stable cystic fibrosis. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics36(3), pp.355-362.
  2. Katz, D. and D’Argenio, D.Z., 1984. Discrete approximation of multivariate densities with application to Bayesian estimation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis2(1), pp.27-36.
  3. Drusano, G.L., Standiford, H.C., Bustamante, C., Forrest, A., Rivera, G., Leslie, J., Tatem, B., Delaportas, D., MacGregor, R.R. and Schimpff, S.C., 1984. Multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of imipenem-cilastatin. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy26(5), pp.715-721.
  4. Drusano, G.L., Standiford, H.C., Bustamante, C.I., Forrest, A., Rivera, G., Tatem, B. and Schimpff, S.C., 1984. The plasma pharmacokinetics of high dose (1 g) imipenem coadministered with 1 g cilastatin in six normal volunteers. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology3, pp.468-470.
  5. Díez, M.G., 1984. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of three. Hypertension2, pp.21-36.
  6. Drusano, G.L., Forrest, A.L.A.N., Fiore, D.A.R.I.O., Auger, F.R.A.N.C.O.I.S. and Caplan, E.S., 1984. Effect of saturable clearance during high-dose mezlocillin therapy. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy26(5), pp.686-688.
  7. Jelliffe, R.W., Schumitzky, A., D’Argenio, D.Z. and Kolb, E., 1984, August. TIMESHARED COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR MAP BAYESIAN ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF DOSAGE REGIMENS OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES, LIDOCAINE, DIGOXIN, DIGITOXIN, PROCAINAMIDE, AND QUINIDINE. In Clinical Pharmacy and Patient Education: Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Barcelona 1983 (Vol. 6, p. 173). CUP Archive.
  8. Angelo, M.J. and Pritchard, A.B., 1984. Simulations of methylene chloride pharmacokinetics using a physiologically based model. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology4(4), pp.329-339.
  9. Bonal, J. and Poston, J.W. eds., 1984. Clinical Pharmacy and Patient Education: Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Barcelona 1983 (Vol. 6). CUP Archive.
  10. Jelliffe, R.W., 1984, August. Digitalis Therapy: The Case for Digitoxin. In Clinical Pharmacy and Patient Education: Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Barcelona 1983 (Vol. 6, p. 159). CUP Archive.
  11. Yip, M.S., Coates, P.E. and Thiessen, J.J., 1984. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of amiloride in plasma and urine. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications307, pp.343-350.
  12. Steimer, J.L., Mallet, A., Golmard, J.L. and Boisvieux, J.F., 1984. Alternative approaches to estimation of population pharmacokinetic parameters: comparison with the nonlinear mixed-effect model. Drug metabolism reviews15(1-2), pp.265-292.
  13. Angelo, M.J., Bischoff, K.B., Pritchard, A.B. and Presser, M.A., 1984. A physiological model for the pharmacokinetics of methylene chloride in B 6 C 3 F 1 mice following iv administrations. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics12, pp.413-436.
  15. Gomeni, R., 1984. PHARM—an interactive graphic program for individual and population pharmacokinetic parameter estimation. Computers in biology and medicine14(1), pp.25-34.
  16. Lin, T.Y.D., 1984. An application of optimal experimental design theory and extended least squares parameter estimation methods to a stochastic one compartment model.
  17. DiStefano, J.J., 1984. Optimal experiment design in plasma protein metabolic studies: Sequential optimal sampling schedules for quantifying kinetics. In Pathophysiology of Plasma Protein Metabolism (pp. 15-34). Palgrave, London.
  18. Sheiner, L.B., 1984. Methods for Drug Dosage Individualization: Past, Present and Future. In Pharmacokinetics: A Modern View (pp. 295-314). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  19. Landaw, E.M. and DiStefano 3rd, J.J., 1984. Multiexponential, multicompartmental, and noncompartmental modeling. II. Data analysis and statistical considerations. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology246(5), pp.R665-R677.
  20. Leeder, J.S., Spino, M., Isles, A.F., Tesoro, A.M., Gold, R. and MacLeod, S.M., 1984. Ceftazidime disposition in acute and stable cystic fibrosis. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics36(3), pp.355-362.
  21. Rodman, J.H., Jelliffe, R.W., Kolb, E., Tuey, D.B., de Guzman, M.F., Wagers, P.W. and Haywood, L.J., 1984. Clinical studies with computer-assisted initial lidocaine therapy. Archives of internal medicine144(4), pp.703-709.
  22. Rubin, D.Z., Lewis, S.M. and Mittman, C.H.A.R.L.E.S., 1984. Factors affecting expired waveform for carbon monoxide. Journal of Applied Physiology56(3), pp.708-715.
  23. Katz, D., 1984. Optimal quadrature points for approximating integrals when function values are observed with error. Mathematics Magazine57(5), pp.284-290.
  24. Cobelli, C., DiStefano III, J.J. and Ruggeri, A., 1984, November. Optimal Experiment Design in Clinical Medicine: A Computer Program and Applications to Compartmental Models. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 132). American Medical Informatics Association.
  26. Thiessen, J.J., Rappaport, P.L. and Eppel, J.G., 1984. Indocyanine green pharmacokinetics in the rabbit. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology62(9), pp.1078-1085.

Citations Appearing in 1983

  1. Katz, D. and D’Argenio, D.Z., 1983. Experimental design for estimating integrals by numerical quadrature, with applications to pharmacokinetic studies. Biometrics, pp.621-628.
  2. Schumitzky, A., Milman, M., Katz, D., D’Argenio, D.Z. and Jelliffe, R.W., 1983, October. Stochastic control of pharmacokinetic systems. In The Seventh Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1983. Proceedings. (pp. 222-225). IEEE.
  3. D’Argenio, D.Z. and Khakmahd, K., 1983. Adaptive control of theophylline therapy: importance of blood sampling times. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics11, pp.547-559.
  4. D’Argenio, D.Z. and Katz, D., 1983. Sampling strategies for noncompartmental estimation of mean residence time. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics11(4), pp.435-446.
  5. Schumitzky, A., Milman, M., Katz, D., D’Argenio, D.Z. and Jelliffe, R.W., 1983, October. Computer Applications in Medical Care. Computer Systems in Hospitals. Pharmacy and Nutrition Systems: Stochastic Control of Pharmacokinetic Systems. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 222). American Medical Informatics Association.
  6. Jelliffe, R.W., Schumitzky, A., D’Argenio, D.Z., Katz, D. and Rodman, J., 1983, October. Improved 2-compartment time-shared programs for adaptive control of digitoxin and digoxin therapy. In The Seventh Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1983. Proceedings. (pp. 231-234). IEEE.
  7. Jelliffe, R.W., Schumitzky, A., D’Argenio, D.Z., Katz, D. and Rodman, J., 1983, October. Computer Applications in Medical Care. Computer Systems in Hospitals. Pharmacy and Nutrition Systems: Improved 2-Compartment Time-Shared Programs for Adaptive Control of Digitoxin and Digoxin Therapy. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 231). American Medical Informatics Association.
  8. Gilfrich, H.J., Kremer, G., Möhrke, W., Mutschler, E. and Völger, K.D., 1983. Pharmacokinetics of triamterene after iv administration to man: determination of bioavailability. European journal of clinical pharmacology25, pp.237-241.
  9. Nicholson, W.F. and Jelliffe, R.W., 1983, October. ” Smart” infusion apparatus for computation and automated delivery of loading, tapering, and maintenance infusion regimens of lidocaine, procainamide, and theophylline. In The Seventh Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1983. Proceedings. (pp. 212-212). IEEE.
  10. Cobelli, C., Distefano III, J.J. and Ruggeri, A., 1983. Minimal sampling schedules for identification of dynamic models of metabolic systems of clinical interest: Case studies for two liver function tests. Mathematical Biosciences63(2), pp.173-186.
  11. Yeh, K.C., 1983. Design and pharmacokinetic application of an analog computer program (MULS) for multiple dose simulation. Computers and biomedical research16(5), pp.469-482.
  12. Landriani, G.S., Guardabasso, V. and Rocchetti, M., 1983. NL-FIT: A microcomputer program for non-linear fitting. Computer Programs in Biomedicine16(1-2), pp.35-42.
  13. Robertson, J.S. ed., 1983. Compartmental distribution of radiotracers (pp. 73-142). Bocca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  14. Prasad, T., Ismail, M.A. and Sinha, N.K., 1983. An efficient algorithm for discrete modelling of tracer kinetics. Mathematical Modelling4(3), pp.257-267.
  15. Nicholson, W.F. and Jelliffe, R.W., 1983, October. Computer Applications in Medical Care. Computer Systems in Hospitals. Pharmacy and Nutrition Systems:“Smart” Infusion Apparatus for Computation and Automated Delivery of Loading, Tapering, and Maintenance Infusion Regimens of Lidocaine, Procainamide, and Theophylline. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (p. 212). American Medical Informatics Association.

Citations Appearing in 1982

  1. DiStefano III, J.J., 1982. Algorithms, software and sequential optimal sampling schedule designs for pharmacokinetic and physiologic experiments. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation24(6), pp.531-534.
  2. Katz, D., Schumitzky, A. and Azen, S.P., 1982. Reduction of dimensionality in Bayesian nonlinear regression with a pharmacokinetic application. Mathematical Biosciences59(1), pp.47-56.
  3. Gough, A.L., Cough, N. and Al-Thiga, R., 1982. Simulation of Pharmacokinetics Using A Microcomputer. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation2(3), pp.132-137.
  4. Gouyette, A., Huertas, D., Droz, J.P., Rouesse, J. and Amiel, J.L., 1982. Pharmacokinetics of 2-methyl-9-hydroxyellipticinium acetate (NSC-264137) in cancer patients (phase I study). European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology18(12), pp.1285-1292.
  5. Gonda, I., 1982. Analytical approximations of sensitivities of steady state predictions to errors in parameter estimation. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics10, pp.559-574.
  6. Brown, R.F., 1982. Identifiability: Its Role in Design of Pharmacokinetic Experi ments. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, (1), pp.49-54.
  7. DiStefano III, J.J., 1982. Comprehensive Dynamics of Distribution and Metabolism of Thyroid Hormones in Blood and Tissue Pools Using Sequentially Optimized Experiment Designs And A Priori Inequality Analyses. IFAC Proceedings Volumes15(4), pp.1027-1032.
  8. DeVane, C.L. and Jusko, W.J., 1982. Dosage regimen design. Pharmacology & Therapeutics17(2), pp.143-163.
  9. DiStefano III, J.J., 1982. Comprehensive Dynamics of Distribution and Metabolism of Thyroid Hormones in Blood and Tissue Pools Using Sequentially Optimized Experiment Designs And A Priori Inequality Analyses. IFAC Proceedings Volumes15(4), pp.1027-1032.
  10. Stewart, C.F., Melton, E.T., Karas, J. and Evans, W.E., 1982. A Randomized-Blinded Evaluation of Analytical Error Associated with the Enzyme Immunoassay (EMIT®) of Gentamicin. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring4(4), pp.409-412.
  11. Riad-Fahmy, D., Read, G.F., Walker, R.F. and Griffiths, K., 1982. Steroids in saliva for assessing endocrine function. Endocrine reviews3(4), pp.367-395.
  12. Rodman, J.H., Hurst, A., Gaarder, T., Cohen, J. and Jelliffe, R.W., 1982. N‐Acetylprocainamide kinetics and clinical response during repeated dosing. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics32(3), pp.378-386.
  13. Meystre, A., Leishman, B. and Eckert, M., 1982. NONLIN: A new version for simplified use in BASIC computer systems. Methods of Information in Medicine21(04), pp.187-190.
  14. Cobelli, C., Finkelstein, L. and Carson, E.R., 1982. Mathematical modelling of endocrine and metabolic systems: Model formulation, identification and validation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation24(6), pp.442-451.
  15. Landaw, E.M., 1982. Optimal multicompartmental sampling designs for parameter estimation: practical aspects of the identification problem. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation24(6), pp.525-530.

Citations Appearing in 1981

  1. D’Argenio, D.Z., 1981. Optimal sampling times for pharmacokinetic experiments. Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics9, pp.739-756.
  2. Baker, J.R., Peck, C.C., Raybuck, B.D., Owens, E.L. and Schuster, B.G., 1981. Normal pharmacokinetics of doxapramin in a patient with renal failure and hypothyroidism. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology11(3), p.305.
  3. Manaka, R.C., Schumitzky, A. and Wolf, W., 1981. Symbolic programs for structural identification of linear pharmacokinetic systems. Computer Programs in Biomedicine13(3-4), pp.203-216.
  4. Parratt, J.R. and Mackenzie, J.E., 1981. Possible mechanisms of action of oxyfedrine as an antianginal drug. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology11(3), p.307.
  5. Katz, D., Azen, S.P. and Schumitzky, A., 1981. Bayesian approach to the analysis of nonlinear models: Implementation and evaluation. Biometrics, pp.137-142.

Citations Appearing in 1980

  1. Jelliffe, R.W., D’Argenio, D.Z., Rodman, J. and Schumitzky, A., 1980, November. A Time-Shared Computer Program for Adaptive Control of Lidocaine Therapy Using An Optimal Strategy for Obtaining Serum Concentrations. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (Vol. 2, p. 975). American Medical Informatics Association.
  2. Katz, D., Schumitzky, A., Azen, S. and D’Argenio, D., 1980, November. Bayesian analysis of pharmacokinetic models with applications to dosing regimen determination. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (Vol. 2, p. 970). American Medical Informatics Association.
  3. Manaka, R.C. and Wolf, W., 1980. Radiopharmacokinetics of cisplatin. In Cisplatin (pp. 271-283). Academic Press.
  4. Brown, R.F., 1980. Compartmental system analysis: State of the art. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, (1), pp.1-11.
  5. Davey, P.G., Gonda, I., Harpur, E.S. and Scott, D.K., 1980. Review of recent studies on control of aminoglycoside antibiotic therapy. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics5(3), pp.175-195.
  6. Peck, C.C., Brown, W.D., Sheiner, L.B. and Schuster, B.G., 1980, November. A microcomputer drug (theophylline) dosing program which assists and teaches physicians. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (Vol. 2, p. 988). American Medical Informatics Association.