Collaborative Research Projects
Through Collaborative Research Projects the methodologies and expertise developed by the Core Projects find challenging testing grounds that are necessary for their evolution, while, at the same time, this knowledge is disseminated in a most effective manner. This process also fosters the formation of an interactive community of BMSR users, which serves to amplify the BMSR’s impact on the biomedical research innovation. Since its inception, the BMSR has sponsored 87 distinct Collaborative Research projects, representing 83 different institutions and a total of 105 investigators.
Our current Collaborative Research projects address challenging translational and clinical problems and are organized in clusters based on disease areas or therapeutic approaches, as shown in the figure below. Each Collaborative Project is coupled with one or more Core Projects, from which it derives the methodological innovations needed to address critical problems in human health and disease.
Our Collaborative Projects are grouped in the following disease-focused clusters:
Cluster A.Cardiovascular/Respiratory/Metabolic Diseases
- Collaborative Project A1: Long-term Changes in Autonomic & Metabolic Function
- Collaborative Project A2: Model-based Approaches for Therapeutic Management of Neonatal
Cardiovascular Abnormalities - Collaborative Project A3: Modeling of Sleep-disordered Breathing in Pediatric Obesity
- Collaborative Project A4: Type 2 Diabetes: Mechanisms and Model-Based Diagnosis
Cluster B. Neurovascular & Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Collaborative Project B1: Models of Cerebral Hemodynamics and their Use for Diagnosis of
Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - Collaborative Project B2: Model-based Functional Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Executive
- Collaborative Project B3: Autonomic Correlates of Vaso-Occlusive Crisis and Pain
- Collaborative Project B4: Modeling and Neurostimulation in the Visual Cortex Vascular
Cognitive Impairment
Cluster C. Neurostimulation & Functional Neurosurgery
- Collaborative Project C1: Model-based Cognitive Neuroprostheses and Design
- Collaborative Project C2: Optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation Procedures
- Collaborative Project C3: Anti-epileptic Hippocampal Stimulation
- Collaborative Project C4: Modeling and Neurostimulation in the Visual Cortex
Cluster D. Oncology & Infectious Diseases
- Collaborative Project D1: Translational Preclinical Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs
- Collaborative Project D2: Investigational Anticancer Agents
- Collaborative Project D3: Treatment of Hepatitis-C and HIV Infections
- Collaborative Project D4: Antituberculosis Therapy and Antimycobacterial Drug Resistance