S-ADAPT is a version of ADAPT that contains an augmented interface as well as additional simulation and optimization abilities. Some features include: command-line interface for entering parameters and executing commands, screen forms and editors for entering data and parameters, evaluation of algebraic expressions at the command line. It also performs parametric population analysis, including maximum likelihood estimation (via the EM algorithm with sampling as implemented in the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCPEM) algorithm), as well as Bayesian estimation. The program runs on Windows NT through XP and Linux., with various Fortran compilers including Compaq Visual Fortran 6.x, Intel 9.x-11.x and g77.
The S-ADAPT program was written and is maintained by Robert J. Bauer, and may be distributed free of charge only in the form of this self-extracting executable file. S-ADAPT is build on the ADAPT system, which has been made available with the permission of the developers of the ADAPT software from the Biomedical Simulations Resource (BMSR) at the University of Southern California (USC). I understand that my use of S-ADAPT is subject to the following conditions listed below
- I will not distribute S-ADAPT or the ADAPT modules therein, in whole or part, to others without the expressed permission of the BMSR.
- I understand that neither USC, the BMSR, or Robert J. Bauer make any warranties, expressed or implied, that S-ADAPT or ADAPT is free of errors or is consistent with any standard of merchantability, or that it will meet my requirements for any particular application. I understand that S-ADAPT or ADAPT should not be relied on for solving a problem whose incorrect solution could result in injury to a person or loss of property, and that if I do use S-ADAPT or ADAPT in such a manner it is at my own risk. I understand that USC, the BMSR, and the authors disclaim any and all liability for direct or consequential damages resulting from my use of S-ADAPT or ADAPT.
*Please addresss any question(s) or feedback about S-ADAPT software to Robert J. Bauer
Acknowledgement and agreement to the terms above.